Le secret, c’est le sentiment


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3 réflexions sur “Le secret, c’est le sentiment

  1. Are you comfortable with yours?
    Yes!! I feel so much LOVE when i think about our married life together! It’s so exciting and wonderful. The negative feelings come from doubt, fear, anxiety because of my external circumstances. But like you said, I just need to convince my subconscious mind it is done and it will be.

    Do you really want to marry him?
    Yes! very much so!

    Do you feel that you try to force him to marry you?
    I don’t think I’m forcing him at all. We have a wonderful relationship and he’s talked about marriage many times. I feel he is only reflecting my doubts, worries and insecurities back to me in the form of his doubt etc.

    Thank you SO much!! 🙂 Is there anything I can do throughout the day to stay in peace and not let external things ruin my faith? Again thank you so much!!!! You’re amazing! 😀


  2. I believe you’re asking because you are referring to my manifestation of a €9500training program by feeling peace. If you want to make something happen, your subconscious mind has to accept it first. There is no other way. You therefore have to sustain the purest feeling regarding your desire, until it is deeply felt. Stillness is necessary to be able to create. It prevents opposite feelings to counteract on the emotions you want to assume. So what you have to do is to find peace within yourself, and then assume the feeling of being married to your fiancé.
    If you are afraid of your desire, you should introspect to know why. Do you really want to marry him? Do you feel that you try to force him to marry you?
    As for me I could feel peace easily because I was very comfortable with my wish. Are you comfortable with yours? I believe it is the question you should ask yourself if you cannot find peace within. Once you have find peace with you desire to marry your fiancé, go and assume it over and over until it takes the tone of reality.


    Ok so thank u so much for getting back to me! i started my affirmation challenge i think 10 days before the actual date and it was for hawaii and the trip with my fiance.
    And just yesterday he confirmed that we are going to hawaii next month!! ^.^ im so happy and relieved however, this is the emergency – we have been engaged and i want to get married soon, and we live in different states in the US, but of course if we’re married we’ll live together and that is a bit straining to us anyways, even though we are going to hawaii, he is unsure about our future together and said « we need to take a break » because he wants to make sure we are meant to be together etc. etc. so all that is before he confirmed about hawaii.
    I tried to visualize like Neville in a deep state of relaxation but there was too much tension. so for the past few days, and this is my new affirmation now – god is peace. i meditate on the presence of god and peace.

    I read and re-read your story about the Internship and how you only kept your mind on peace and everything you wanted happened. so my question is – i know this is my divine mate, my fiance, and i want us to get married, and when i try to see the end result – which is our marriage, i feel all these negative feelings so i dont do that. BUT when i sit and meditate on peace… i feel so good!! so my question is – is that the only thing i should focus on to bring my marriage into reality.

    I know it all exists, and i just have to accept it with my subconscious. so if i meditate on peace and try and stay on peace throughout the day, is that enough to bring about a harmonious solution to our relationship? Sorry for the long ramble and thank you so much for getting back to me!
    n yes please feel free to tell people about the trip manifestation, but without my name! thanks!


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